Sticking to one name?
Was looking around the wiki and I forgot where it is but I saw comments about whether we should stick to calling the series Rin-ne or Kyoukai no Rinne/Kyokai no Rinne. When I adopted this ~8 years old wiki around 2 years ago it was already named Kyokai no Rinne and so was the url (and not sure if I can change that), but since the official name in English is Rin-ne I tried to stick to that back when making edits. Now the pages are kind of inconsistent in referring to the name, so it might be good to have a consensus. It's not a super big deal since it should all redirect to the same page anyway but it'd make for a cleaner wiki! If we do go with the Japanese name, there's also the issue of spelling it as either Kyoukai or Kyokai.
So do you …
Ive Been Busy But Im Back!
So it was around last year this time that I made the proposition to continue to edit on this Wiki and since then (thanks to you guys) the wiki is doing really well. Fenori for sending in the adoption and for everybody else like Juanito316 for making constant updates to the site. In this long while Ive been terribly occupied with school but the purpose of this blog is to just kinda say we really made it and that Im back to contributing on the wiki.. :P made that sound a little bit more dramatic than I should have.
Season 2 lets go!!
Hey guys, season 2 is starting up and I'm probably going to be a bit busy because of college so I don't think I can put up detailed ep summaries each week ;v; Maybe the page and a short summary but thats it haha. So if you'd like to help feel free to make new pages for the eps (using the template from other episode pages) and add info/pictures!
Thank you to any contributers!!
Second season of Rin-ne is confirmed!! It's coming in spring, 2016! (thanks to this blog I learned of the news -- also thanks to this blog for many of the episodes' images!)
Super excited to see the new characters~ What are you guys looking forward to?
Still need help!
Hey everyone! Adopting the wiki (which has been adminless since 2009!) was a success, but we still need help!
If you'd like to contribute but don't know where to start, a couple easy ways are by correcting grammar mistakes and adding more links within the pages so they connect better; you could also add images to make them look less boring. Our manga and anime summaries are still quite lacking. Some great resources for information include the official Rin-ne website ( which has most of the manga summaries and minor characters and the wikipedia page.
If anyone also has any suggestions let me know! I've been editing the layout and pages heavily lately, so any feedback is appreciated. For one, I've b…
Help On The Wiki
Hey everybody who happens to be reading this right now! My name as you can probably see is BabyMamaDrama. Im not the creator of this Wiki but merely a contributor. That being said this is also my first ever Wiki I have joined to so I am indeed lacking in the experience of it all. As of me typing this there are 43 pages on the Wiki, 200 manga chapters and 6 Anime episodes out right now. I am only a fan not to mention Im not completely caught up with the manga, but it would be greatly appreciated if someone with experience could come and help us out here on this new Wiki. Right now I can't really contribute in making the Wikia better other than asking others for help. I also am limited in the things I can help out with due to me not being ad…