This is a list of tools used by Shinigamis and also Damashigamis in order of appearance.
Mostly Used[]
- Shinigami Scythe (死神のカマ)
The main weapon used by Shinigamis to slash and purify evil spirits.
- Yomi No Haori (黄泉の羽織)
It materializes a spirit, and allows a partly Shinigami to be invisible and fly.
- Revolving Lantern (走馬灯)
It transforms memories of the past into a video.
- Tsukumogami Seal (九十九髪シール) - Prize: 99 yen
It imbues things with souls.
- Emotion Dust (念粉)
When sprinkled onto a disembodied spirit or object, it leads to its origin.
- Spirit Dye Ball (霊体用カラーボール)
It colors ghosts so ordinary people can see them.
- Channeling Doll (依代人形) - Prize: Vinyl 1000 yen, Ura 100 yen, Paper 10 yen
It houses a ghost or disembodied spirit temporarily.
- Separation Incense (分離香)
It brings out an attached spirit with smoke.
- Ring of Judgment (裁きの輪)
It works as a shield of justice when its owner is subjected to an unfair attack, and can lead its owner to the whereabouts of its offender and even restrain him.
- Illusionary Lantern (幻夜燈)
Used to trick people into seeing exciting visions. There are many types including Disco Ball, Rotating, and Memory Type (which diffuses scenes of the past of a place).
- Barrier Duct Tape (結界ガムテープ) - Prize: 600 yen
It precludes anyone entering or coming out of a place.
- Exorcism Hourglass (除霊砂時計) - Prize: 20000 yen
When placed in a house, it precludes ghosts to come in.
- Basic Spirit Door (使い捨て霊道 or 簡易霊道) - Prize: 300 to 600 yen depending on size
It will link a spirit path to a certain location written on it.
- Spirit Smoker Outer (霊いぶりだし香)
Used to smoke out spirits.
- Feeling Coating Spray (念コーティングスプレー)
It gives physical substance to items, desires or whatever is aggravating someone, so ordinary people can see them.
- Spirit Binding Lasso (縛霊しめ縄 or 霊縛しめ縄)
Used to bind and contain a spirit.
- Spirit Gathering Incense (霊寄せ香)
It gathers spirits.
- Scrying Orb (のぞき玉)
It shows accurate glimpses of the past and the future. If it's lost, it always returns to its current owner.
Used More Than Once[]
- Hakujitsutou (白日灯)[1]
It sheds light on illusions to expose them.
- Barrier Dissolving Spray (結界溶解スプレー)[2] - Prize: 20000 yen
Used to break through any barrier.
- Watchdog Collar (番犬の首輪)[3]
Used to summon Dogs.
- Astral Extraction Fishing Rod (幽体離脱釣り竿)[4]
It can temporarily pull out a soul of a body.
- Decoy Doll (身代わり人形)[5] - Prize: 10000 yen per hour
It creates a substitute of whoever’s hair or nail is placed inside and takes upon misfortunes the person would have had to endure (it creates a powerful attractive force for whoever targets that person).
- Seeker Hinotama (追跡用火の玉)[6] - Prize: 1850 yen
It automatically chases down anyone whose hair is burned inside.
- Spirit Road Magic Marker (霊道発生マジック)[7] - Prize: 2900 yen
A spirit path is generated for a few seconds when a geometric shape is drawn.
- Substitution Balloon (替え玉風船)[8] - Prize: 10 yen
An easy dummy maker that takes the form of whatever is drawn into it.
- Yorishiro Stickers (依代シール)[9] - Prize: 10 yen
It causes spirit possession. Just put it to whatever or whoever, and the sticker’s spirit will take over.
- Spirit Expellent Incense (霊追い出して香)[10]
Used to make spirits go away
- Doll Microphone (人形用マイク)[11]
It allows Tsukumogami dolls or wishes to talk.
- Memory Glasses (メモリーグラス)[12] - Prize: 1000 yen
3D Glasses that reproduce events of the past which were seen by animals or objects whose words can’t be understood.
- Nekomata Plug (猫又プラグ)[13]
Allows a spirited cat to take a human form with 2 tails.
Used Once[]
- Fire Wheel (火車烈断) - Prize: 500 yen
- Spirit World Tin Can Phone (霊界糸電話) - Prize: 70 yen
It lets you contact a spirit of your choice.
- Meidoshadan (冥戸遮断) - Prize: 1000 yen
- Ungaikyou (雲外鏡)
- Cross (十字架) - Prize: 100 yen
- Shimitori Paper (シミとり紙)
Used to remove curse or spell marks.
- Bloodsucking Fire Wheel (吸血烈車)
It instantly turns whatever touched it into money, robbing the opponent of his/her assets, which are transported to a safe.
- Time Holograph (タイムホログラフ)
It creates physical manifestation of the residual desires of an item’s owner.
- Evil Spirit Balloon (悪霊フーセン) (Discontinued)
A fake evil spirit inflated to fight against real evil spirits.
- Basic Spirit Door Spawner Pencil (簡易霊道発生シャーペン) (Discontinued)
Just draw a circle and you get a hole to the Reidou.
- Wings to the Afterlife (あの世にひとっ飛びウイング) (Discontinued)
Wings that sends anyone to fly until the afterlife.
- Demon Tool Cutting Shears (悪魔道具切りバサミ)
Used to snip off far-reaching demonic devices.
- Simple Ghost Trap Box (簡易霊捕獲箱)
- Tsukumogami Catching Net (九十九神捕獲網) - Prize: 990 yen
- Tsukumogami Capturing Bolas (九十九神捕獲ボーラボーラ) - Prize: 990 yen
- Channeling Balloon (依代風船) - Prize: 1000 yen
When a person inflates it, a childhood version of that person is produced.
- Capture Net (捕獲網) - Prize: 500 yen
- Ghost Motels (浮遊霊ハウス)
- Scrying Bath Salts (念読バブルソーダ) - Prize: 3000 yen
It reveals information about spirits in liquid.
- Tombstone Maze (墓石迷路)
Numerous tombstones rise trapping and making anyone lose their way.
- Dark Fireworks (暗闇花火)
When released, it completely darkens its surrounding.
- Scythe-Quick-Fix Tape (カマ応急修理用ガムテープ)
- Spirit Power Up Booster (生霊パワーアップブースター)
- Spirit Attracting Aromatic Mushrooms (霊寄せ用香りキノコ)
- Bouncy Soul Capsule (弾み魂カプセル)
A giant capsule full of energetic aura, which can purify evil spirits if thrown with great force and install a positive aura.
- Pseudo-American Trick Spirit (アメリカダマシ霊モドキ)
A fake seducing spirit from a pheromone extract used for sending men into delusion.
- Break Up Set (破局セット) - Prize: 10000 yen
Used to make a couple break up.
- Feeling Gathering Wick (念寄せの芯)
- Spirit Sedative (霊眠剤)
- Paper Dogs (犬紙)
- Pawn Vase (質壺)
It's a bottle which sucks and pawns articles.
- Forgetball (忘れ玉)
Used to make someone forget.
- Rememball (思い出し玉)
Used to make someone remember.
- Choker (チョーカー) - Prize: 500 yen
A fancy collar, in which one can monitor what the spirit guardian sees and hear via spirit network.
- Spirit Bubble Solution (霊溶液シャボン玉) - Prize: 480 yen
Anyone encased in a bubble gets sent into the Reidou once it’s bursts.
- Bug Soul Suction Trap (虫魂吸引虫カゴ)
- Body-Double Balloon Doll (身変わり風船人形)
- Spirit-Lowering Holy Rope (精霊降臨しめ縄)
- Inflation Medicine (膨満剤)
- Spirit Separation Liquid (霊はがし液)
- Space Adhesion Seal (空間密着シール)
- Spiritual Alarm Clock (霊体用目ざまし)
- Sense Powder (鑑識パウダー) - Prize: 3800 yen per 100 gram
Used for tracing spirit signatures.
- Calming Tags (鎮静札)
Talismans that calm down a ghost.
- Spirit Binding Tape (霊接着ガムテープ)
- Soul Suction Mirror (吸魂鏡コンパクトタイプ)
A small mirror that shelters a ghost.
- Spirit Capturing Paper (霊取り紙)
Spiritual adhesive tapes that captures ghosts.
- Memory Sheet (メモリーシート)
- Evil Repulse Barrier Hair Tie (退魔結界ヘアゴム) - Prize: 1000 yen
They electrocute any evil spirit touching whoever wears them.
- Mask of Medusa (メデューサの仮面)
Everything one looks through that mask turns into stone.
- Spirit Road Pouch (霊道巾着)
- Field Reproduction Tube (現場再現チューブ)
- Sealing Padlock (封印南京錠)
- Retrieving Magnet (復縁磁石)
- Misfortune Receiving Doll (厄受け人形)
- Thought Blotting Paper (思い吸い取り紙)
Anime Only[]
- Spirit Casting Net (霊体投網) - Prize: 180 yen
- Spirit Dust Cloth (霊体ハタキ) - Prize: 120 yen
- Spirit Pepper (霊体コショウ)
- Spirit Popper (霊体クラッカー)
- Shikigami RC (式紙ラジコン) (Discontinued)[14]
It lets you control anyone you put the antenna on.
- Romance-Maker Set (縁結びセット)[15]
Used to get someone to like you by cowardly means.
- Some tools' name in Japanese can vary such as Basic Spirit Door (使い捨て霊道 or 簡易霊道) and Spirit Binding Lasso (縛霊しめ縄 or 霊縛しめ縄).
- ↑ Chapters 26 (Episode 9), 373
- ↑ Chapters 42, 196
- ↑ Chapters 66 (Episode 20), 174, 207 (Episode 61)
- ↑ Chapters 83 (Episode 27), 137 (Episode 38)
- ↑ Chapters 100-101 (Episode 25), 276
- ↑ Chapters 106, 193 (Episode 50)
- ↑ Chapters 114 (Episode 44), 209 (Episode 60), 219
- ↑ Chapters 119 (Episode 69), 227 (Episode 73)
- ↑ Chapters 123-124 (Episode 21), 135 (Episode 38), 147-148 (Episode 47)
- ↑ Chapters 137 (Episode 38), 221 (Episode 65)
- ↑ Chapters 184, 208, 218, 300
- ↑ Chapters 190, 293
- ↑ Chapters 226 (Episode 72), 369
- ↑ Episode 20
- ↑ Episode 41